What Happened to Lex Luger?

Lawrence Wendell Pfohl (Lex Luger) is a former wrestler, bodybuilder, and television producer. He was born on the 2nd of June 1968 in Buffalo, New York. Lex, who turns 63 this year, worked for different promotions like WCW and then WWF. Back in 1993, Luger earned the distinction of being the most popular wrestler at the time. It coincided with a period when he involved himself in a feud with the likes of Yokozuna. As a TV producer, his fans also recognize him from shows like Camp WWE. Find out what happened to Lex Luger.

Lex Luger Paralyzed. What happened?

The mid-2000s marked a dark time in Lex Luger’s life. Not only did he witness his then-girlfriend, Elizabeth, overdose on drugs, but he also suffered a serious medical scare. While he was on a scheduled flight to San Francisco on the 19th of October 2007, Lex noticed that he wasn’t able to move his neck. Not without experiencing a great deal of discomfort.

Consequently, Luger tried to get his neck adjusted in order to rectify the problem. However, it only worsened things. His doctors recommended an intravenous antibiotic treatment as they thought that it would solve his problem.

However, four weeks into the treatment, and Lex was in a quadriplegic state. This means that he wasn’t able to move any of his limbs. What happened to Lex Luger was that he received temporary paralysis. They determined that he had suffered from a spinal stroke.

Things got better after a year or so. Sources reported that Lex had gained some function in his legs. He was able to stand on his own two feet, though he required the aid of a walker to move. Things got even better the year after that as he started walking on his own. In an interview, Lex even revealed that he could get around in his car again.

Is Lex Luger Alive?

Famous ex-wrestler, Lex Luger
A former wrestler and bodybuilder, Lex Luger.

The short answer is yes, Lex Luger is still very much alive. Just recently, Luger released a post on Twitter talking about some of the bible verses that helped him overcome his injury. Over the years, Luger has had to contend with life-threatening ordeals, and also drug-related problems. However, he decided to turn his life around and focus on religion. Becoming actively involved in church is what Lex credits with saving his life.

What is Lex Luger Doing Now?

After Lex left his athletic and party days behind, he decided to dedicate his help to others. Lex would regularly auction off some of his wrestling memorabilia in order to raise money for charity. Besides this, Luger also enjoyed a decent stint on television. He worked with the WWE in order to develop his wrestling memoir, ‘Wrestling with the Devil.’

Presently, Lex spends a great deal of his time doing charity work. He engages in several community outreach programs, sharing his problems and experiences with young adults.

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